ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acts 20

Okay buddy, let's break down Acts 20! So first, a guy named Paul is traveling and preaching about Jesus. He stops in a city called Troas and gives a really long sermon that lasts until midnight!

While he's preaching, a young man falls asleep and falls out of a window - don't worry, he's okay! Paul goes and checks on him and then continues talking until daylight.

After that, Paul meets with some of his friends from a nearby city and says goodbye to them. He knows he won't see them again, so he tells them to take care of the church in their city.

Later on, Paul meets with more friends in a city called Miletus. He tells them that he's going somewhere else and won't be able to visit them. He reminds them of how he's taught them about Jesus and asks them to continue following him.

Paul then tells them that following Jesus might be hard at times, but it's worth it. He shares how he's faced persecution and hardships while preaching, but he's been able to persevere because of his faith in Jesus.

Finally, Paul prays with his friends and says goodbye to them. They're sad to see him go, but they know he's doing important work spreading the word of God. And that's Acts 20!