ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acts of Reparation to The Holy Trinity

So, you know how when you do something wrong, like break a toy or hurt someone's feelings, you say sorry and try to make it better? That's kind of like what acts of reparation mean, but it's for something bigger than just a toy or a person.

There are some people who believe that we can hurt the Holy Trinity, which includes God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit, by not listening to them, not following their rules, or doing things that they don't like. When we do those things, we hurt them kind of like how we hurt someone's feelings when we do something bad.

So, acts of reparation are things we do to try to make up for hurting the Holy Trinity. Some people might pray, give donations to charity, or do something kind for someone else as a way to say sorry and try to make it better. It's kind of like doing extra chores when you've done something wrong to make up for it.

The idea behind acts of reparation is that we want to show the Holy Trinity that we're sorry for hurting them and that we want to do better in the future. It's like making a promise to be a better person and do good things instead of bad things.