An adder is a special kind of electronic circuit that can add two numbers together. It works by taking in two numbers and adding them up using little switches called transistors.
Think of it like this:
Imagine you have two piles of blocks, one pile has 3 blocks and the other has 4 blocks. To add them up, you line up the two piles next to each other. Then, you count all the blocks in a row. The result is 7 blocks in total.
Now imagine these piles of blocks are represented by numbers in a computer. The adder does the same thing as you did with the blocks, but in a very fast and efficient way.
In a computer, all numbers are represented using tiny switches called transistors. The adder takes in two sets of these switches and adds them up to create a new set of switches that represents the answer.
So when you ask a computer to add something up, it's actually just using lots of little adders working together to get the answer!