ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Advanced Interactivity Consortium

The Advanced Interactivity Consortium (AIC) is a group of smart people who want to make things like TV shows and movies more enjoyable for everyone to watch. They do this by creating special tools and technology that allow people to interact with what they are watching, kind of like how you can touch and move things on a phone or tablet.

The AIC wants to make it so you can do things like choose your own adventure while watching a show or movie. That means you can decide what the characters in the story do next and change the outcome of the story.

They also want to make it so you can learn more about what you’re watching. For example, if you see a cool outfit a character is wearing, you can use your phone to find out where you can buy it. Or if you see a beautiful location in the show, you can use your phone to find out more about it and plan a trip to visit it someday.

The AIC is always working on new ways to make watching TV and movies more interactive and fun for everyone.