ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aegean dispute

Imagine two friends, let's call them Greece and Turkey, who both want to play with the same toy. The toy is a very nice toy, and both Greece and Turkey think that they deserve to have it. This is what we call a dispute.

Now, Greece and Turkey have been arguing about this toy for a long time, and they just can't seem to agree on who should have it. They have been arguing so much that they have involved other friends in their argument too. These other friends are called the European Union and the United States.

The toy that Greece and Turkey are fighting over is actually the Aegean Sea. The Aegean Sea is an important body of water that is located between Greece and Turkey. It is very important because it is a gateway to the Mediterranean Sea, which is a very important trading route.

So why are Greece and Turkey fighting over the Aegean Sea? Well, Greece believes that the Aegean Sea belongs to them because they are the closest country to it. Turkey, on the other hand, believes that the Aegean Sea is part of their territory because it is adjacent to their coastline.

This dispute has been going on for many years, and it has caused a lot of tension between Greece and Turkey. Many attempts have been made to resolve the dispute but so far, nothing has been successful. The European Union and the United States have been trying to help the two countries come to an agreement, but it is proving to be difficult.

In summary, the Aegean dispute is a disagreement between Greece and Turkey over who has the right to the Aegean Sea. It has been ongoing for a long time and involves other countries trying to help resolve the disagreement.