ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Affine shape adaptation

"Affine shape adaptation" means making something fit, even if it's not exactly the right shape.

Imagine you have a puzzle piece that's slightly too big for the spot where it's supposed to go. You could try to force it in, but that wouldn't work very well - you might break the puzzle! Instead, you can reshape the puzzle piece a little bit so that it fits better. You might have to squish or stretch it a bit, but as long as it's close enough to the right shape, it can still work.

"Affine" just means that we're talking about changing the shape while keeping the overall proportions and angles the same. So if you had a square puzzle piece that was a little too big, you might stretch it so it's rectangular, but with the same angles and proportions as before.

In computer vision, "affine shape adaptation" refers to the process of changing the shape of an object in an image so that it better matches some desired shape. This can be a helpful technique for things like recognizing faces or other objects in pictures, since not every picture will have exactly the same lighting, position, or other variables. By adapting the shape of what we're looking for to fit the specific image we're working with, we can still find what we're looking for even if it's not a perfect match.