ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Age of Revolution

Hello there! So, you wanna know about the Age of Revolution? Alrighty then, let's get started.

In history, there was a time called the Age of Revolution. This was a period when many things were changing in the world. This time was around 1760 to 1840, which may sound like really, really long time ago, but it was a very important time for the world we live in today.

During this time, people started to look at the ways things were being run, like how they were being governed, and how things were being made. They wanted to change these things because they thought that they weren't fair or right, and that they could be better.

One of the big changes that happened during this time was in America. The Americans wanted to be free from the British rule, so they had a war, and they won! This is what we now know as the American Revolution.

Another change was in France, where the people didn't like the way their king was treating them. They had a revolution as well, and they changed the way they were governed. The famous words during the French Revolution were "liberté, égalité, fraternité" which means Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood.

There were also changes in the way things were made. Before the age of revolution, things were made by hand, and it took a long time to make things. But with the invention of machines, things could be made much quicker and easier. This is called the Industrial Revolution.

So, in summary, the Age of Revolution was a time when people wanted changes in the way they were governed and the way things were being made. They fought for these changes, and it led to many improvements and advancements that we still enjoy today.