ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Agents provocateurs

Agent provocateurs are people who act like they are on your side, but they are secretly trying to make you look bad or get you in trouble. It's kind of like when your big sister seems nice and asks you to do something with her, but then she goes and tells Mom that you broke something. The people who do this are called agent provocateurs.

Sometimes, agent provocateurs are used by the police or government to try and catch bad guys. They might have the agent provocateur act like they are part of a group of bad guys, and then they will try to get the other bad guys to do something illegal. The police or government can use this to catch the bad guys and put them in jail.

But sometimes, agent provocateurs are used for bad reasons. They might be hired by a company or group that doesn't like what your group is doing, and they will try to get your group in trouble. Or they might be hired by a political group to make another political group look bad.

It's important to be careful of agent provocateurs, and to always think about what someone's intentions might be before trusting them completely.