ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Agnatic seniority

Agnatic seniority is a way of determining who gets to be in charge of a family or group. Basically, it means that the oldest male in a family or group gets to be the leader or boss. This is because traditionally, men were seen as being stronger and wiser than women or younger men.

So, let's say there is a family with five brothers. The oldest brother would be the leader because he is the oldest male in the family. If he were to die or step down, then the next oldest brother would take over and so on.

This system is different from other ways of determining leadership, such as inheritance, where the leader is chosen based on family lineage or by election, where the group chooses their leader based on a vote.

Agnatic seniority is often used in monarchies or noble families, where the oldest male relative of the ruling monarch takes over the throne when the previous monarch dies or steps down.

Overall, agnatic seniority is a way of choosing leaders based on age and gender in certain families or groups.