ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Agonism is like being a team player in a game, but you play the game by working with the other team. It's like both teams are trying to achieve the same goal, but in order to win, they have to work together.

When people talk about agonism, they usually mean it in the context of politics or philosophy. Basically, the idea is that everyone should be able to have their own opinion and express it without being punished or excluded. That's where the "team" part comes in - each person is part of a team, but all the teams are working towards the same goal.

So, let's say there are two people in a debate, and one person has an idea that the other person thinks is wrong. In an agonistic system, the two people would still be able to have a debate and express their ideas without resorting to insults or violence. Instead of trying to "beat" the other person, they work together to find a solution that works for everyone.

Think of it like playing a game of soccer. The two teams are trying to win, but that doesn't mean they have to be mean or violent towards each other. Instead, they work together to play the game the best they can. That's what agonism is all about - working together to achieve a common goal, even if you don't always agree with each other.