ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ahuizotl (mythology)

Ahuizotl is a creature from the mythology of the Aztecs, who were a group of people who lived a long time ago in what is now Mexico. Ahuizotl was said to have a head like an otter, a body like a monkey, and hands with long, sharp claws.

One of the things that made Ahuizotl very scary is that he lived in the water - he would sneak up on people who were swimming or fishing and use his long claws to grab them and pull them under the water. People who saw Ahuizotl were so scared that they would try to avoid going near bodies of water, for fear of being attacked.

Another thing that made Ahuizotl unique is that he was said to be able to mimic the cries of a baby or a woman in distress. This was a way that he would lure people closer to him so that he could attack them. Aztec parents would often warn their children not to go near the water alone, because Ahuizotl might be waiting to trick them.

In some versions of the story, Ahuizotl was seen as a spirit animal, and was said to have the ability to bring good or bad luck to people. Some people even believed that they could see Ahuizotl in their dreams or in visions, as a way of receiving guidance or protection.

Even though Ahuizotl is just a myth, people in Mexico today still tell stories about him and some even use his image in artwork or as a mascot for sports teams.