ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aileron roll

An aileron roll is when an airplane does a fancy trick in the sky where it rolls over to one side and then back to the other side. You know how when you play airplane with your arms, you pretend to fly and tilt your arms to the side? That's kind of like what the airplane is doing, but much more advanced.

The airplane has special flaps on the wings called ailerons. These ailerons can move up or down when the pilot moves a special stick called the control stick. When the pilot pushes the control stick to one side, the aileron on that side goes up and the one on the other side goes down. This creates more lift on one side of the airplane and less on the other, making the airplane tilt to one side.

To do an aileron roll, the pilot pushes the control stick all the way to the side, which makes the airplane tilt to one side. Then, the pilot pulls back on the stick to make the airplane roll all the way around. Finally, the pilot pushes the stick the other way to make the airplane roll back to the original upright position.

This takes a lot of skill and practice to do safely, but it looks really cool when it's done right!