ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aircraft carrier

An aircraft carrier is a very big boat that is used by the military to launch and land airplanes. It's like a floating airport.

Just like how airplanes need a lot of room to take off and land, they also need a lot of room in the sky to fly around. And sometimes, there just isn't enough space on the ground or in the sky to fly them. That's where aircraft carriers come in handy.

Aircraft carriers basically have a really long runway on top of them, called the flight deck. The runway is flat and smooth, and it's where planes take off and land.

To take off, the planes speed up down the runway until they get fast enough to lift off the ground. When it's time to land, the pilots have to be very careful to line up perfectly with the runway so they can land safely.

But what happens if the plane misses the runway or can't land for some reason? Well, that's where things get really cool. Aircraft carriers have a special system of cables and hooks called the arresting gear, and it's used to stop planes that can't land on their own.

The arresting gear is made up of thick cables that are stretched across the runway. The cables are attached to big hooks that stick out of the back of the plane. When the plane comes in for a landing, the hooks catch onto the cables and the plane is slowed down until it comes to a complete stop. It's kind of like a giant slingshot that stops the plane in its tracks!

Overall, aircraft carriers are really important because they allow planes to fly in areas that might otherwise be too crowded or dangerous, and they provide a stable landing and takeoff platform for planes that might not have anywhere else to go.