ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mobile offshore base

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a big boat in the ocean? Well, sometimes people need to do important things out in the very deep parts of the sea, like drilling for oil or gas or having a military base. But it's not easy to set up those things in the middle of nowhere because there's no land around for miles and miles.

So, engineers have come up with an idea to build a big boat that can float in the ocean and serve as a home or a base for people who work out there. They call it a Mobile Offshore Base, or MOB for short.

This MOB will be a very special boat. It has really big engines that can move the boat from one place to another, even in the middle of rough sea waves. It's also very strong and stable so it won't tip over even when there is a lot of wind or big waves.

The boat can have rooms for people to sleep, eat and work. There can be a kitchen and a dining area, and even a place to play games and relax. Some MOBs might have a hospital or a gym on board too!

People can bring all the equipment they need for their job on board of the MOB, like drilling machines or missiles. There can be a big platform on the boat where they can set up the equipment, too.

So, the Mobile Offshore Base is like a big floating house that can move around and let people work or live in the middle of the ocean. It's a really cool invention, isn't it?