ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An airdrop is when someone drops something special into the air, kind of like when you drop a balloon and it floats down to the ground. In this case, instead of a balloon, it could be something like a token, which is like a special type of money that you can use in a special way.

People can drop tokens into the air so that anyone who is nearby can catch them and keep them. It's like a fun treasure hunt! So let's say you're walking in the park and someone drops a token nearby. If you see it, you can pick it up and keep it.

Now, sometimes these drops are a little more organized. Whoever is doing the airdrop might say, "Today at noon I'm going to drop 100 tokens in this park!" Then people who want to catch them can come to the park at that time and try to find them.

Airdrops can be a fun way to get people excited about tokens and bring attention to a project. But just like with any treasure hunt, sometimes it can be hard to find the tokens or there might be more people looking for them than there are tokens to find. So it's not always a guarantee that you'll catch something. But it can still be a fun way to participate in the world of tokens!