ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Al-Qaeda is a group of people who believe in the Islamic religion, but they have a very extreme way of seeing things. They don't like the way that some Western countries, like the United States or France, treat Muslim people, and they want to fight against them. Al-Qaeda is like a big club where people who think the same way can come together and make plans to try and hurt the people they don't like.

However, one problem with this is that they often hurt innocent people who have nothing to do with what they are angry about. They might make bombs and put them in public places where lots of people are, like a train station or a market. They also do other bad things like kidnapping and killing people they don't agree with.

The people in al-Qaeda are not always in the same place, as they can be all over the world, and some of them might not even know each other personally. They also have leaders who tell them what to do and make plans, but it can be hard to find out who these leaders are.

Governments and law enforcement officers around the world are working to stop al-Qaeda and prevent them from hurting other people.