ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alamut (Bartol novel)

Alamut is a story about a man named Hassan who lives in a castle called Alamut. Hassan is the leader of a group of people known as "Assassins" who believe in a particular way of thinking. The story takes place a long time ago, in a place far away from here.

Now, the whole idea behind Alamut is that Hassan wants to create a perfect world, where everyone is happy and at peace. But he knows that this is difficult to achieve, so he comes up with a plan. He knows that the only way to get people to do what he wants is to control them, so he decides to use a drug called "hashish" to make his followers obedient.

Hashish is a special plant that people can smoke, which makes them feel relaxed and happy. But it also makes them more suggestible to the ideas of others, which is why Hassan decides to use it. He tells his followers that if they die while doing his bidding, they will go to a beautiful garden called "paradise".

So, Hassan begins to train his followers to become assassins, and they go out into the world to kill people who are against Hassan's way of thinking. Because of the hashish, they are not afraid to die, and they are willing to do whatever Hassan asks of them.

In the end, Alamut shows us how people can be easily manipulated by those in power, and how a charismatic leader can convince others to do things that are not in their best interest. It is a cautionary tale that reminds us to be careful who we follow, and to always question those who claim to know what is best for us.