ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alexandria, Egypt

Alexandria is a big city in Egypt! It's very old and has a lot of history and cool things to learn about. A long long time ago, there was a man named Alexander the Great who wanted to build a really special city in Egypt. And he did! He named it after himself, which is why it's called Alexandria.

One of the coolest things about Alexandria is that it's right by the water! There's a big sea called the Mediterranean Sea that you can see from the city. That's why it was such an important place a long time ago - boats could come in and out of the city really easily.

Alexandria used to be the capital of Egypt, which means it was where the king or queen would live and make important decisions. They even had a really big library there - it had thousands and thousands of books! People came from all over the world to see it and learn from it.

Nowadays, Alexandria is still a very important city, but it looks a bit different. There are lots of tall buildings and busy streets, and it's home to millions of people. But you can still see some of the old history and culture if you look closely - there are museums with artifacts from thousands of years ago, and even some ruins of old buildings.

So if you ever get the chance to visit Alexandria, make sure to explore and learn about all the fun things that have happened there throughout history!