ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

All-Russia People's Front

The All-Russia People's Front is a group of people in Russia who work together to make life better and solve problems. Imagine a group of friends who work together to build a better playground or fix a broken toy. That's kind of like what the All-Russia People's Front does, but on a bigger scale for the whole country.

They have lots of members from different parts of Russia, like different cities and towns. They also have members who belong to different political parties. It's like having friends who like different things, but they all come together to work on something important.

The All-Russia People's Front works on things like making sure people have good jobs, that schools are good, and that everyone gets healthcare they need. They also work on things like protecting the environment and making sure everyone has a safe place to live.

When they have an idea to make something better, they talk to people and try to get everyone on board. Then, they work together to make the idea a reality. It's like when you and your friends want to build a fort in the backyard, you talk about what materials you need and how to put it together, and then you all work together to make it happen.

In the end, the All-Russia People's Front wants to make life better for everyone in Russia, just like how friends want to make things better for everyone in their group.