ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Allied invasion of Italy

Once upon a time, a long time ago, a group of special people from different countries decided to work together to fight against some bad people who were causing trouble all over the world. These special people were called "the Allies" and they included soldiers, leaders, and regular people who wanted to help.

One day, the Allies wanted to stop the bad people from having control of Italy, which is a country in Europe. To do that, they decided to go to Italy and fight the bad people to take over the country.

The Allies started planning for this big trip to Italy, and they spent a lot of time getting ready. They made sure they had lots of food, water, and weapons to use against the bad people. They also made sure they had maps to help them find their way around Italy.

When they finally made it to Italy, the Allies had to work really hard to fight against the bad people. They had to be very careful and sneak around to try and take over different parts of the country.

The bad people in Italy were very strong and sometimes it was very hard for the Allies to win battles against them. But the Allies never gave up and they kept fighting until they finally won and were able to take over Italy.

After they won, the Allies made sure to take care of the people in Italy and help them rebuild their country. They were happy that they were able to stop the bad people from causing trouble and they felt proud that they had worked together to make the world a better place.