ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alternatives to Violence Project

The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a program that helps people learn how to solve problems or conflicts without using violence. People who participate in this program learn how to communicate better with others and build relationships based on trust and respect.

Let's imagine you and your friend are playing with a toy, and there's only one of it. You both want to play with it, but instead of fighting, yelling, or taking it away, you both can talk it out and find a solution. Maybe you suggest taking turns playing with it, or maybe your friend suggests finding a similar toy that you both can enjoy.

AVP teaches people how to do just that, to talk calmly and listen to the other person's needs, and then find a way to solve the problem that works for everyone. By learning these skills, people can avoid violence and build healthy relationships with others.
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