ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Indian elder

An American Indian elder is a person who is older and wiser in their Native American community. This person has lived a long life and has learned many important things from their experiences. They are someone who is respected and looked up to by the younger members of their community.

Just like a grandparent or older sibling, an American Indian elder has lots of knowledge and skills that they can share with others. They know about the traditions and customs that their tribe values, and they can teach others about the history and culture of their people.

An elder is often someone who is very patient and kind. They are willing to listen to others and share their own thoughts and advice. Because they have spent so many years living in their community, they know a lot about the people and the land. They can help others understand things that might be confusing or hard to understand.

In some Native American communities, the elders are also responsible for leading important ceremonies and events. They are the ones who help to keep everyone focused and make sure that things are done in the proper way.

Overall, an American Indian elder is someone who is very important and respected in their community. They help to pass down important knowledge and traditions, and they are valued for their wisdom and experience.