ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

André Neveu

Okay kiddo, so let me explain to you about this person called André Neveu. André Neveu is actually a real person, and he was a mathematician who lived a long time ago. He was born in the year 1916 and lived until the year 1999, which is a very long time!

Now, André Neveu was really interested in something called "algebraic geometry," which means he studied shapes and how they fit together using something called "algebra" which is like a special language for math. He was really good at this and even wrote books about it to help other people understand.

André Neveu also did some very important work in something called "string theory." Now, this is where it gets a little tricky to explain, but I'll do my best! Basically, string theory says that everything in the universe is made up of tiny little strings that vibrate in different ways to create different things. André Neveu worked on figuring out how these tiny strings work and how they could explain things like gravity and other really big questions about the universe.

So, in summary, André Neveu was a really smart mathematician who studied shapes and how they fit together using algebra, and he also did some really important work in understanding how the universe works using something called "string theory."