ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

André-Michel Guerry

Okay, imagine there was a man named André-Michel Guerry who lived a long time ago. He was really interested in making things better for people in his country, France. One thing he wanted to make better was the justice system, which is all about making sure people who do bad things get punished and people who do good things don't get punished.

But how could André-Michel Guerry figure out what needed to be improved in the justice system? He couldn’t just guess. He needed to collect information and look for patterns. So, he started collecting data about crimes and punishments in different parts of France.

He wrote down the number of crimes, the punishment given for each crime, and even things like the age and gender of the person who committed the crime. He collected all this information and put it together in a big book.

Then, he looked at all the information and found some really interesting patterns. For example, he noticed that there were more crimes in cities than in the countryside. He also realized that certain groups of people, like young men, were more likely to commit crimes.

By studying all of this data, he was able to make suggestions about how the justice system could be better. He suggested that certain crimes should be punished more harshly and that certain groups of people should be given more support to prevent them from committing crimes.

So, thanks to André-Michel Guerry's hard work and careful data collection, people in France were able to learn more about the justice system and make some changes to make it better for everyone.