ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An anemometer is a special instrument that we use to measure how fast the wind is blowing. It is important to know how strong the wind is so that we can prepare for things like storms and hurricanes.

An anemometer usually looks like a little tool with three cups or blades that spin when the wind blows on it. The faster the wind blows, the faster the cups will spin.

Imagine you have a toy pinwheel with three blades on a stick. When you blow on the pinwheel, the blades spin around. This is like what happens with an anemometer.

Scientists and engineers use anemometers to measure wind speeds in different places like at the beach, on top of a building, or even in a wind tunnel. They can also use the data from anemometers to create maps of different wind speeds and directions around the world.

So, anemometers are like little wind-measuring tools that help us understand how strong the wind is blowing.