ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Angevin Empire

Okay kiddo, so a long, long time ago there was a guy named William who was a big deal in a place called Normandy. He decided he wanted to be the boss of another place called England too, so he fought a big battle and won. This was in the year 1066, so it was a really, REALLY long time ago.

Now, William had big plans for his new kingdom. He wanted to make it even bigger and more powerful by taking over other places nearby. So he sent his friends and family members to rule over places like parts of France and even parts of Italy. They all worked as a team and called themselves the Angevins.

The Angevins were really good at ruling and making their empire grow. They were known for their great castles and for being really fancy and rich. They also had lots of arguments with other powerful people around them, especially with the kings of France. But they always found ways to stay in power for a long time.

Eventually, the Angevin Empire got so big that it was really hard to keep everyone happy. People in different places felt like they weren't getting a fair share of power or money, and they started to rebel. This made things really chaotic and hard to control.

After a while, different parts of the empire started to break away on their own and make their own rules. The Angevins lost their grip on power and their empire started to shrink. But they still have a really important place in history as one of the biggest and most influential kingdoms of their time.