ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anglo-Saxon dress

Anglo-Saxons were a group of people who lived a long time ago, before you were born. They lived in a place called England, which is a country across the big ocean. Anglo-Saxon dress is fancy clothes that the Anglo-Saxons used to wear.

The Anglo-Saxons did not wear pants and t-shirts like we do. They wore long and loose clothes that they draped over their bodies. They used things like belts and brooches to keep their clothes in place.

The men wore something called a tunic, which is like a long shirt that goes down to their knees. They also wore trousers that were made from wool or linen. They wore a belt around their waist to keep their tunic and trousers from falling down.

The women also wore long dresses called tunics. They would wear a type of cloth called a veil, which they would put over their head and let it drape behind them. They also wore a belt to keep their dress in place.

Both the men and women wore different layers of clothes depending on the weather. They might wear a cloak, which is like a blanket with a hole in the middle for their head to keep them warm.

The Anglo-Saxons liked to decorate their clothes with patterns and embroidery. They used bright colors like red, blue, and green. They would also wear jewelry like necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.

Today, we still wear clothes that are similar to what the Anglo-Saxons wore, like dresses, tunics, and belts. But our clothes look a lot different, and we don't usually wear as many layers as they did.