ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Angu people

Angu people are a group of humans who live in a specific area of Africa. Just like there are different types of houses, cars, and animals, there are different types of people in the world. The Angu people have their own unique way of life, culture, and beliefs that are different from other groups of people.

The Angu people have their own language, similar to how you speak English or another language. They also have their own traditions, such as special dances, music, and food. They live in communities and help each other out when they need it. This is called being a part of a "tribe".

The Angu people have their own beliefs about their place in the world and what happens after they die. Some believe in a higher power, while others have different ideas. They pass their beliefs down from one generation to the next through stories, just like when someone tells you a story before you go to bed.

Overall, the Angu people are just like you and your family - they have their own way of doing things and their own way of looking at the world. It's important to learn about and respect all different types of people and cultures, just like how you respect and appreciate different types of food or animals.