ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Animal-computer interaction

Animal-computer interaction is when people create things on a computer to help animals. It's like making a toy or game for your pet to play with, but using a computer instead of your own hands.

For example, some scientists made a video game for orangutans to play. They used a computer to create the game and then showed it to the orangutans on a special touchscreen. The orangutans had to touch the screen in the right spot to make the game work. This was a fun way for the orangutans to exercise their brains and learn new things.

Another example is when people use special cameras to track animals in the wild. Scientists can put a little computer on a bird or a fish and watch where they go and how they move. This helps them learn more about the animal's behavior and how to help them stay safe.

In short, animal-computer interaction is when people use computers to help animals play, learn, and stay safe.