ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Annular tropical cyclone

Okay, kiddo, let's talk about annular tropical cyclones!

So you know how sometimes big, swirling storms called hurricanes or typhoons form in the ocean? Well, an annular tropical cyclone is just a fancy name for a special kind of hurricane that has a really neat, round shape.

Imagine you're playing with some water in a bathtub and you make a big swirl with your hand. Usually, the water swirls in towards the center and then back out again. That's kind of like how most hurricanes work - they have a big eye in the middle where everything is calm, and then the winds and rain swirl all around it.

But with an annular tropical cyclone, the swirling is evenly spread out in a circle around the center, more like a tire than a bathtub drain. This means the wind and rain can be more consistent and last longer than with a regular hurricane.

Annular tropical cyclones are pretty rare, but when they do happen they can cause a lot of damage because they have stronger winds and heavier rainfall. But don't worry too much - scientists are always keeping an eye on the weather to help keep us safe from these big storms.