ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anterior pituitary

The Anterior Pituitary is a part of our body that helps us grow big and strong, just like the fertilizer helps plants to grow big and healthy. It's like a boss that tells our other hormones what to do, just like a teacher who tells us what to learn in school.

It is connected to our brain and receives messages from a special part called the hypothalamus, which tells it when to release certain hormones. These hormones are like little messengers that travel around the body, telling our organs what to do.

For example, one hormone called Growth Hormone tells our bones and muscles to grow bigger and stronger, just like how water helps plants to grow tall and strong. Another hormone called Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) tells our adrenal glands to make a hormone called cortisol, which helps us deal with stress and stay healthy.

Overall, the Anterior Pituitary plays a very important role in helping our body work properly and stay healthy, just like how a good boss helps their team to work well together and be successful.