ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-Christian violence in India

Okay, so imagine you and your friends at school have a favorite game that you like to play together. All of you love this game and think it's really fun. But then one day, a group of people who don't like your game start coming to your school and trying to stop you from playing it. They might push you and try to take away your toys and make it harder for you to have fun with your friends.

This is kind of like what is happening in India when it comes to anti-Christian violence. Some people in India believe in a different religion called Hinduism, and they don't like the fact that there are people who believe in Christianity too. So they might try to stop Christians from practicing their religion and even hurt them in some cases. This makes it really hard for Christians to go to church and worship together, and it can even be dangerous for them to live in certain areas of India.

Just like how it's not fair for someone to come and take away your toys and stop you from playing your favorite game, it's also not fair for people in India to try to stop Christians from practicing their religion. Everyone should be able to believe in and worship the way they want to without being hurt or stopped by others.