ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-Narcotics Force

Imagine you have a big box of candy. You love candy and you want to eat all of it. But, maybe someone tells you that eating too much candy is bad for your body and makes you sick. So, you need someone to help you make the good choice to not eat all the candy.

That is what the anti-narcotics force is for. They help people make good choices about not taking drugs that can harm their bodies and make them sick. Narcotics are powerful medicines that can help people when they are in a lot of pain, but they can also be used in bad ways that can hurt people.

The anti-narcotics force is made up of special people who are trained to stop bad people from selling and using drugs. They work with the government and the police to find and arrest these bad people. They also work to make sure that people who need medicine for pain can still get it, but in safe ways that won't hurt them.

So, think of the anti-narcotics force as a group of people who help make sure that nobody eats too much candy, and that people only use medicine when they really need it, and in the right way. They want to keep everyone safe and healthy.