ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Anti-evolution is the idea that living things did not evolve, or change over time, as scientists have discovered. It's like saying that all the different types of animals we see today, like dogs, cats, birds, and horses, didn't come about through natural processes like variation, natural selection, and adaptation, but rather were all created in their current forms by a higher power.

Some people who believe in anti-evolution think that everything in the world was created exactly as it appears now, and that any changes that have occurred over time are just minor variations within each kind of animal. This means that they also don't accept things like fossils, which show us how living things have changed over time.

However, many scientists and experts disagree with the idea of anti-evolution, and have a lot of evidence to back up their claims that living things do evolve. For example, we know from studying genetics and DNA that different species share many of the same genes and genetic information, which suggests that they are all connected by a common ancestor. We also have a lot of data from observing animals in the wild and in laboratories, which shows that living things can adapt and change to fit new environments and circumstances.

Overall, while anti-evolution is a belief held by some individuals, it's important to remember that there is a lot of scientific evidence supporting the idea of evolution, and that it's widely accepted among biologists and other experts in the field.