ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard a joke that you didn't find funny at all? Maybe it just made you feel confused or even a bit uncomfortable. Well, sometimes people tell jokes like that on purpose - it's called anti-humor.

Anti-humor is when people tell jokes that are intentionally not funny. Instead of trying to make you laugh, they are trying to surprise you or make you think. For example, they might tell a really simple or obvious joke, like "why did the chicken cross the road?" and then instead of giving a punchline (the funny part of the joke), they might just say "to get to the other side".

Another example of anti-humor is when someone starts telling a joke, but then intentionally gets the details wrong, or goes off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the punchline. They might do this to see if you are paying attention or to make you laugh at how ridiculous the joke is.

So, anti-humor is a bit like a joke, but instead of trying to make you laugh, it's trying to do something else - maybe surprise you, confuse you or just be a bit silly. It might not always make you laugh, but that's okay - the point of anti-humor is not to be funny, but to be different!