ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-nuclear protests in the United States

Imagine you have a toy that can make lots and lots of noise. Now imagine that some grown-ups made a BIG toy that could make even more noise than your toy. But this toy isn't played with for fun. It's used to make something called electricity, which helps the grown-ups do things like turn on the lights and watch TV.

Some people don't like this big toy because they think it's too dangerous. They worry that if something goes wrong, it could make a really big mess and hurt lots of people. They also worry that if bad people get their hands on the toy, they could use it to make powerful weapons that could hurt lots of people too.

These people who don't like the big toy decided to have something called a protest. A protest is when lots of people get together to talk about what they don't like and try to make things better.

The protestors made signs and started walking together in big groups. They sang songs and shouted chants to show that they didn't want any more big toys that could hurt people. People in cities across the United States joined in and said they wanted to stop building these big toys, which are called nuclear power plants.

Some people thought the protestors were right, and they started to listen to them. They agreed that we should be safe and that we didn't need any more big toys that could hurt people.

Today, some people still protest against nuclear power plants, while others think they are necessary to keep our homes and cities powered. It's up to everyone to keep talking and figuring out the best way to keep things safe and clean.