ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-tank dog

An anti-tank dog is a very brave dog that was trained to run towards enemy tanks during wartimes. These dogs would carry bombs or explosives that were strapped to their bodies, and they were trained to crawl under tanks to get close to them. Once they got close enough, the bombs would be activated remotely and the tanks would explode.

These dogs were trained to do this because tanks were very strong and hard to destroy. They could shoot really big bullets and bombs that could hurt many people. But a dog running towards them is much harder to hit with these big bullets. Plus, the tanks could not smell the bombs on these dogs and therefore had no extra warning that they were in danger.

It's important to note that we no longer use anti-tank dogs in modern warfare as it is seen as inhumane and dangerous to the dogs. They were used in the past and we can appreciate their bravery and service to their country, but we have come up with safer and more ethical ways of destroying enemy tanks.