ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An anticrystal is like a puzzle that is made up of many small pieces that don't fit together perfectly like they're supposed to. Imagine if you have a bunch of different sized and shaped blocks and you try to fit them together to make a big shape. The blocks won't fit together perfectly but you can still make something out of them, like a tower or a wall. That's similar to how an anticrystal is made.

In a regular crystal, all the little pieces (called atoms) fit together perfectly in a pattern. But in an anticrystal, some of the atoms are in the wrong place or are a different shape, kind of like having a few broken or misshapen blocks. This makes it so that there isn't a perfect pattern in the anticrystal like there is in a regular crystal.

Anticrystals can be useful in things like making new materials or improving the strength of materials we already use. By purposely making an anticrystal, scientists can change how the material behaves and make it stronger or more durable.

So, an anticrystal is kind of like a messed-up puzzle made of atoms that scientists can use to make things better and stronger!