ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Antipodes are two places on opposite sides of the Earth. Imagine you have a globe (a small ball representing the Earth). If you put a little person in the middle of the globe and asked her to dig a tunnel through the Earth, she will eventually come out on the other side. When she does, she will be at the antipode of her starting point.

For example, if you dig a tunnel through the Earth from New York City, you would come out in the middle of the Indian Ocean, near Australia. That spot would be called the antipode of New York City.

Antipodes are interesting because they have completely different time zones, climates, and landforms. So, while it might be the middle of the day in New York City, it would be midnight in its antipode. Additionally, if New York City has a cold winter, its antipode might be experiencing a hot summer.