ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Antireductionism is when people believe that the whole is more important than the sum of its parts. That means that a big thing, like a whole person or a whole society, is more important than all the little things that make it up, like cells or individual people.

Imagine you have a toy car. The toy car is made up of lots of little pieces, like wheels, a frame, and a toy motor. But when you put all those pieces together, you get a whole car that does cool things like move and make noise. Antireductionists believe that the car as a whole is more important than just the individual parts that make it up.

Antireductionism is important because it helps us understand that things like people, society, and living things are more than just a bunch of little parts. They are complex and special all on their own. And by studying and understanding them as a whole, we can learn a lot more than just studying the little parts by themselves.