ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Appeal procedure before the European Patent Office

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you don't like a decision that someone else made, you might try and convince them to change their mind? Well, that's a bit like what an appeal procedure is.

The European Patent Office is an organization that gives out special rights to inventors, called patents. Sometimes, the people who work at the European Patent Office might say "no" to an inventor who wants a patent. When that happens, the inventor has the right to ask them to reconsider their decision by appealing.

Appealing means the inventor asks another group of people who work at the European Patent Office to look at the decision that was made and decide if it was fair or not.

During the appeal procedure, the inventor gets to explain why they think the first decision was wrong or unfair. They can also provide new information or evidence that they think is important. Then, the new group of people looks at all of the information and evidence and makes a new decision.

This process can take quite a long time, but it gives inventors a chance to argue their case and maybe get the patent they were hoping for.