ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Application of tensor theory in physics

So imagine you have a toy that can stretch and bend in different directions. Imagine that the toy can also change its size and shape depending on how you pull and push it. This toy is kind of like a tensor.

Now, imagine you're playing with this toy in a park and you throw it up into the air. This toy will move in a certain way because of the way you threw it. The movement of the toy can be described using something called "kinematics," which is like explaining how the toy moves using numbers and equations.

In physics, we use something called tensor theory to describe the way objects move and interact with each other. Just like our toy can stretch and bend in different directions and change its size and shape, objects in the real world can do the same thing.

With tensor theory, we can describe how objects move and interact with each other using numbers and equations. This is really helpful in physics because it allows us to understand the behavior of things like particles, waves, and even gravity.

Overall, tensor theory is a tool that helps us understand and describe the way objects move and interact with each other in the real world.