ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Applied improvisation

Okay, so do you know what improvisation is? It's when you make things up on the spot, without planning ahead. Like when you play pretend with your friends, you might decide to be a princess or a superhero without talking about it first.

Applied improvisation means using those same ideas of making things up as you go along, but applying them to real-world situations instead of just playing pretend. So instead of pretending to be a princess, you might use improvisation to come up with new and creative solutions to a problem at work or school.

It's sort of like using your imagination to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. And it can actually be really helpful for lots of different things, like brainstorming, teamwork, and communication. So even though it might sound like just playing around, applied improvisation can be a really useful tool for grown-ups too!