ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An apprenticeship is sort of like going to school, but instead of just learning from a teacher in a classroom, you also get to learn by doing things hands-on with someone who is really good at it.

Let's say you wanted to be a carpenter when you grow up. Instead of going to college and learning about carpentry in a classroom, you could choose to become an apprentice carpenter. This means you would work alongside a professional carpenter who would teach you everything they know about carpentry.

You would start out by watching them and helping where you can. They would show you how to use all the tools, like hammers and saws, and explain how to measure and cut things correctly. Then, as you get better, you would actually start doing some of the work yourself.

The best part is that you would get paid for your work while you are learning. It might not be as much as you would make as a full-fledged carpenter, but you would still be making some money and learning valuable skills at the same time.

Once you complete your apprenticeship, you would have all the knowledge and experience you need to become a carpenter yourself!