ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Archaeological site

So you know how when we go on a treasure hunt, we look for clues and signs to help us find the treasure? That's kind of like what archaeologists do, but instead of looking for treasure, they look for things that tell us about what life was like a long time ago.

An archaeological site is a place where archaeologists go to dig and find these clues. It could be an old city, a buried building, or even a pile of old garbage!

When they dig, they use special tools to carefully uncover things that might be buried underground. They might find old bones, broken pots, or even tools that were used a long time ago.

These objects can help us learn about how people used to live, what they ate, what tools they used, and even how they built their homes. It's like going on a really cool adventure to help us learn more about our world and the people who lived before us.