ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Archives of Venice

Okay, imagine you have a box where you keep all of your favorite drawings, pictures, and writings. The city of Venice also has a big box where they keep all of their important papers from a very long time ago. This box is called an archive.

The archives of Venice are special because they have papers that are over a thousand years old! That's a lot of time! Inside the archive, you can find maps of the city, letters from important people, and even recipes for food that people used to eat a long time ago.

These papers are important because they help us to understand what life was like back then. We can see how people talked, what they did for work, and what they liked to do for fun.

The archives are kept very safe and are taken care of by special people who know how to handle old papers. They make sure that nothing happens to these important papers so that we can continue to learn about the history of Venice for many years to come.