ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arctic vegetation

Arctic vegetation is the plants and grasses that grow in the cold and snowy areas of the north pole. These plants are very strong and can tolerate the harsh environment where they grow.

The ground where these plants grow is usually frozen, even during the summer months. It's like a giant ice block that is difficult for plants to dig their roots into. However, some plants like moss and lichen are specially adapted to grow on this frozen ground. They have special abilities to cling to rocks or bare ground and grow without needing any soil.

As the sun starts to shine for longer hours in the summer, some plants start to bloom and grow. These plants are specially adapted to take maximum advantage of the short summers. They grow very quickly, produce flowers and fruits and then go dormant again before the winter returns.

However, not all plants can grow in the harsh arctic climate. Trees, for example, cannot survive in such extreme temperatures and wind. Instead, only short plants or shrubs that can survive the strong winds and cold conditions grow in these regions.

In summary, Arctic vegetation is the special plants and grasses that can grow in the cold and harsh environment of the North Pole. They are adapted to survive in extreme temperatures, ice-covered ground that's difficult to dig roots into and strong winds. You can see some beautiful plants and shrubs growing in the frosty tundra during the short summers.