ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Argaric culture

Okay kiddo, today I'm going to explain to you about a group of people called the "Argaric culture".

Long, long ago, in what is now the country of Spain, there were people who lived in a place called "Argaric". They lived a long time ago, when there weren't any cars or phones or computers. They lived in small villages called "settlements" and worked hard to make their lives better.

The people in the Argaric culture were really good at making things out of metal, like tools and weapons. They were amazing at farming, too. They grew lots of food like wheat, barley and vegetables. They also raised animals like cows, sheep and goats. The Argaric people liked to decorate their homes and things with really pretty patterns and designs. They were also very good at making pottery, which is like a clay dish or bowl.

The Argaric people had a special way of burying their dead when they passed away. They would put them in a special place called a "funeral mound" and give them things to take with them to the afterlife (just like how you might bring your favorite toys to play with when you go to a friend's house!).

The Argaric people traded with other cultures around them, which helped them get things they didn't have, like salt or jewelry. They also had their own language, which they wrote down on special stones called "steles".

Even though the Argaric culture existed a very long time ago, we can still learn a lot from them today. They teach us about what life was like a long time ago, and how people found ways to make their lives better.