ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of something called arishadvargas? It's a big, complicated word that refers to a set of six negative qualities in humans that we should try to avoid.

The first one is called Kama, which means desire or craving. It's when we want something so much that we might do things that are bad for us or others just to get it.

The second one is called Krodha, which means anger. It's when we get really mad and might say or do hurtful things to others.

The third one is called Lobha, which means greed. It's when we want more and more things, even when we don't really need them.

The fourth one is called Moha, which means attachment. It's when we get so attached to things, people, or situations that we can't imagine living without them.

The fifth one is called Mada, which means pride or arrogance. It's when we think we're better than others or we're too important to listen to them or learn from them.

And finally, the sixth one is called Matsarya, which means envy or jealousy. It's when we feel bad because someone else has something we don't have or is doing better than us in some way.

So, these six things are things we should try to avoid because they can make us and others unhappy. We should try to be content with what we have, control our anger, not be greedy, not get too attached to things, not be too proud, and not be jealous. Instead, we should try to be kind, grateful, helpful, and thoughtful to others.
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