ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Armenians in Turkey

Armenians are people who originally came from a place called Armenia, which is now a country just next to Turkey. Lots of Armenians moved to Turkey a long time ago and lived there for many, many years.

But unfortunately, there were some problems and disagreements between the Armenians and the Turkish people. The Armenians were sometimes treated very badly, and some very bad things happened to them. This made many Armenians very sad and scared, so some of them decided to leave Turkey and go to other places where they hoped they would be treated better.

Today there are still many Armenians living in Turkey, but not as many as there were before. Some of them remember the bad things that happened to their families and friends, so they might still feel scared or angry or sad.

But there are also many people who want to make things better between Armenians and Turks. They want everyone to be able to live together peacefully and happily. So they try to talk to each other and learn about each other's cultures, and they hope that by doing this they can prevent bad things from happening in the future.